Type A work permit
Who is the application for? Work for Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, Georgians and others
The application for a type A work permit applies to a foreigner performing work in Poland on the basis of an agreement with an entity whose seat or place of residence, or a branch, plant or other form of organized activity is located in Poland.
What documents do I need to submit?
application for a work permit
"Declaration of no criminal record of the employer or a person acting on his behalf"
company agreement - should be attached when the entity entrusting the performance of work by the foreigner is a limited liability company in organization or a civil partnership or notarial deeds on establishing a company - if the entity entrusting the performance of work by the foreigner is a joint-stock company in organization;
a copy of all completed pages from a valid travel document of the foreigner to whom the application relates, and if the foreigner does not have a valid travel document and it is not possible to obtain it - a copy of another valid document confirming his / her identity. The document must bear the annotation that: "The copy of the foreigner's passport attached to the application includes all completed pages".
If you refer to a 3-year legal and uninterrupted stay as a basis for exempting the starost from information, you will need to present the original when submitting a copy of the passport.ORIGINAL INFORMATION from the STAROSTA competent for the main place of work by the foreigner about the inability to meet the staffing needs of the entity entrusting the work to the foreigner based on the registers of the unemployed and job seekers or about the negative result of recruitment organized for the employer, issued not earlier than 180 days before submitting the application, and in cases justified by the starost - issued not earlier than - 90 days before the date of submitting the application, if it is required;
Pursuant to § 7 sec. 9 of the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of 7 December 2017 on the issue of a work permit for a foreigner and entry of the declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner in the register of declarations to the application for a work permit, the original information from the staroste is attached
documents confirming that the foreigner meets the requirements for job candidates by the entity entrusting the performance of work, as specified in the information provided by the starost - if required;
Documents drawn up in a foreign language, with the exception of identity cards or travel documents, used as evidence in the procedure for issuing a permit, shall be submitted together with their translation into Polish by a Polish sworn translator;
documents confirming the exemption from the obligation to enclose the starost's information.
proof of payment in accordance with the ordinance of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of 8 December 2017 on the amount of payment made in connection with the submission of an application for a work permit or a seasonal work permit and submission of a declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner (Journal U of 2017, item 2350)
documents confirming the fulfillment of qualification requirements and other conditions necessary to perform work in a regulated profession
original power of attorney / authorization (if the employer does not submit the application in person)
Documents must be signed by an authorized person.
The application must be accompanied by copies of documents, however, it is necessary to present their originals (does not apply to copies of the foreigner's passport).
Instead of the original document, a party may submit a copy of the document, if its compliance with the original has been certified by a notary public or by the party's representative acting as an attorney, legal advisor, patent attorney or tax advisor;
What fees do I have to pay?
PLN 50 if a foreigner is employed for a period shorter than 3 months;
PLN 100 - if a foreigner is employed for a period longer than 3 months;
Exemption from information from the staroste
In the cases indicated below, the employer may apply for a work permit without the need to first obtain information from the staroste:
a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation or Ukraine, who in the period immediately preceding the submission of the application for a work permit was employed for a period of not less than 3 months with the same employer and in the same position in accordance with a declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner entered in the register of declarations referred to in art. 87 sec. 3 or 4 of the Act - provided that a declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner is presented, entered in the register of declarations and the EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, and documents confirming the payment of social insurance contributions (e.g. ZUS RCA forms with confirmation of submission to ZUS).
ATTENTION !!! The declaration must be valid on the day of submitting the application!
in the period of 3 years preceding the submission of the application for a work permit, he graduated from a university based in the territory of the Republic of Poland or another country of the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, or is a participant of doctoral studies conducted in the Republic of Poland or documents confirming their fulfillment must be submitted;
he stayed legally in the territory of the Republic of Poland for 3 years preceding the submission of the application for a work permit, and the stay was uninterrupted within the meaning of 195 paragraph. 4 of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners
"Within the meaning of Article 195 (4) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners, the stay of a foreigner is considered uninterrupted if no break was longer than 6 months and all breaks in total did not exceed 10 months in total"
a foreigner authorized to represent the foreign entrepreneur in his branch or representative office located on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation or Ukraine, performing nursing and care work or as domestic help for natural persons in the household;
a foreigner - a sports trainer or athlete, working for sports clubs and other entities whose statutory activity includes promoting physical culture and sport;
a doctor and dentist, undergoing training or implementing a specialization program, on the basis of the provisions on the specialization of doctors and dentists,
a foreigner who will perform work in the profession specified in the list constituting an appendix to the regulation on the determination of cases in which a foreigner's work permit is issued regardless of the detailed conditions for issuing work permits to foreigners
Details ? 795 889 889