So you've decided that you want to get a residence permit based on your studies. Where should you start?
Step 1. Registration for submission of documents
You should start the procedure for obtaining a card by booking a visit to submit documents at the Office for Foreigners.
Step 2. Preparation of documents
The set of documents for those wishing to obtain a residence permit in Poland on the basis of study looks like this:
3 copies of an application for granting you a residence permit (Wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy);
a package of documents from the school (confirmation of admission to the course, confirmation of payment for tuition, lecture plan);
statement from an account in a Polish bank on the availability of funds for accommodation in Poland and for a return ticket. In 2019, the calculation of the amount must be made as follows: 708 PLN for each month of residence + return ticket (at least 200 PLN) + tuition fees;
4 actual color photographs 35x45 mm;
two copies of all pages of the foreign passport, where there are any marks.
lease agreement for the apartment in which you will live, or registration;
medical insurance for the entire period of study. An insurance policy can be issued in Poland. If you already have insurance issued in your country, then you need to make a sworn translation into Polish and notarize it;
a receipt confirming the payment of the fee for submitting documents to the residence card (you can pay at the Office for Foreigners) For a card based on studies, the fee is 340 PLN.
Step 3. Additional documents
After submitting documents within a few months, you will receive a certified letter, where it will be indicated which documents additionally need to be provided. Usually this is another certificate from the school, where it will be indicated that you are regularly attending classes, as well as again a certificate from the bank that you still have money in the account.
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